In a secular world, the device "Golden Rule" is "one who has the gold makes the rules." The overall financial condition of the banking system is unsustainable. The total amount of debt in the world is anyone guess. The introduction of derivative claims against and pushes the chain of obligations towards the unknown. All that remains is for central banks to create mountains of counterfeit money continues to roll and delay the inevitable. The graph of the IMF's reserve currency is a range rocket to oblivion. It does not reflect a healthy reserve of the Treasury, but it certainly shows a new machine running in debt forever.
Bullion Vault explains this fact as follows.
"Of course, the Fed can create money, but you can not create credit (from the Latin Believing." To trust, have faith ") and certainly can not leave America's outstanding debts. - Both private and public - just get bad now, either at home or abroad, after all that blocking and hitting in ER 2007-09
.. so never mind the record-large pile of cash sitting in the non-financial corporate . No matter what their problem is too much debt, not a .800 billion dollars in cash that you already have. No matter the growth of 50 times from 2007 to 1000 billion U.S. dollars in liquidity banks' either. Again, the debt is their problem - not a lack of money - but no matter. New money is the only correction Dr. Ben is now at hand (it's all out of cuts in interest rates). So those foreign currency reserves, the United States companies and national banks already drowning in cash will get flooded again. "
in 1966 Alan Greenspan wrote in The Objectivist , Gold and Economic Freedom.
" Under the gold standard, the amount of credit that the economy can support is determined by the tangible economy, since every credit instrument is ultimately a claim on some tangible asset. But the titles State are not backed by tangible wealth, only by the government's promise to pay future tax revenues, and can not be easily absorbed by the financial markets. "
As the gold standard was abandoned around the world, the banksters have made wild. So who owns all the gold? Part of the answer is that the public sector holds much less than you might think.
Wealth Daily Dollar Daze agrees with the list of the largest holders of bullion. - USA, Germany , International Monetary Fund, Italy, France, SPDR Gold Shares, China, Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, rank as the top ten
"Central banks and organizations multinationals (such as the International Monetary Fund) currently holds just under a fifth of global reserves of gold as reserve area (approximately 30,500 tons, scattered in 110 organizations). On average, governments hold about 10% of their reserves as gold, although the percentage varies by country.
So how much gold is above ground?
total 165,600 tons of above ground stocks
1 metric ton = 32,150.746 Troy oz
Total 5324163.537000 oz Troy
Price Quote for $ 1,424.00 per ounce
total value of U.S. dollar = 7 trillion, 581 billion, 608 million, 876 thousand and 688 hundred dollars worth of gold
all around the world.As U.S. Mint reports that at Fort Knox stores 147.3 million ounces troy current redemption in Federal Reserve notes of the United States will be about $ 366,261,298,432. This is a drop in the bucket against the outstanding federal debt, which exceeds global GDP. Then there is the question of exactly how much gold remains in government hands or if the bullion gold delivery is actually a good thing. Watch the video there is no gold in Fort Knox to an alarming report.
Have you ever wondered why the Federal Reserve and central banks co-conspirer for decades waged a war against the gold? The Empire paper summarizes quite well.
"The Federal Reserve is undoubtedly the most powerful institution in the world because it maintains the exclusive legal right to counterfeit currency reserves in the world without limits or control. This allows them to save the banks too big to fail, manipulate currencies, support foreign central banks and companies and allow endless government spending above and beyond what the government can pay through direct taxation. A real, gold standard executive should immediately cease all this. "
Now look at the sordid history of the IMF gold sales. The next video, the IMF has sold gold-plated bars tungsten in India, explains why the international banking system should be discarded. The Gold-plated tungsten bar scandal is about to erupt. Imagine the chaos in the banking environments in which governments aware of the delivery of a bait and switch fraud.
If all the gold in the world has a current value of less than 8,000 billion dollars, how much could be purchased from the 2011 Forbes list of billionaires, which broke two records: the total number of listees (1,210) and total assets ( $ 4,500 billion). As already own?
is never revealed in official statistics of property wealth are the names of underworld boss real controllers worldwide. The shadow manipulators able to conceal their hordes of cash. Most painfully public lists omit the master criminal. Their plan is to buy real goods with counterfeit money obtained through illegal profits from fraud and false financial derivatives markets.
When the banking system collapses, finally, with mathematical certainty by the weight of compound interest, the fraudsters will be ready at the same specious provide a substitute. The schemes referred to the IMF path Gold-Backed DSP?, Making the next step.
"The IMF is about as likely to help individual European countries through subverting the euro as gold is not to encourage debtor countries to meet their bank debts. The IMF is a creature of the power elite, and will always remain so, in our opinion. But none of this argues against the idea of \u200b\u200bthe International Monetary Fund to support its currency (SDRs) with the gold. "
A more telling fact is that central banks and governments do not own most of the supplies of gold. The World Gold Council has published a pie chart astonishing 83% of stocks above ground are in the hands of industry, investment and concerns jewelry. The overwhelming percentage points for an alternative to bank debt paper created tyranny .
propertyonly individual gold in their possession can directly preserve any store of value when the next level draconian collectivism of the totalitarian system imposed after the financial crisis hit in earnest.
how much gold is enough?, Offering up this solution.
"When individuals acquire gold in mass, the politicians will be forced to deal with the debt, and the true extent of the condition we all suffer unreasonable seizure. Limited government can be achieved, but must be based on a currency that was convertible into gold. Here is the answer, just hold gold to insist that the money will replace real false notes Fed Nothing less will restore a store of value or a nation of free citizens. "
Remember that tyrannies are always arbitrary. Executive Order 6102 was signed April 5, 1933, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "the prohibition of hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, Gold and certified by U.S. citizens. This kind of blatant violation of the Constitution of the United States is routine. Citizen ownership of gold could very well become illegal again. However, if it is, you know you're a pawn in a fascist state.
The risk that prohibits ownership of gold confiscation and the government is always true for individuals. However, prospects for the rounding of smuggling gold bars from banks or the chosen elite and privileged financial need "a coup. The establishment of sacrificing hundreds of millions of the servants of consumption, before ceding the reins of superiority over the lowly taxpayer.
submerged barter economy will thrive, while it is condemned as a black market. Any attempt to replace the money with a new piece of gold, must permit unlimited convertibility to be a legitimate monetary system. As long as the globalists maintain the same policy domain, you can always count on the scheme proposed by a more sophisticated attempt to steal and enslave you all over again.
Douglas Herman offers up four possible scenarios, the best of which requires an old recall currency, and replacement with new species of money. The feed in the theories of global control matrix methods to implement even more despotic servitude. Intentional civil disorder provides excuses for opportunistic breeding livestock in pens for slaughter. Just have not adequately protect the gold private citizens, until the hordes of gold elites are removed from their control.
The litmus test remains the same, that the precious metal makes the rules, with a warning. Are you so foolish to accept the next insult newly minted money by the same banksters who brought you the expected collapse in the world, you deserve to be a slave. Business creators of wealth need to lead the charge to abolish the debt created fake money monopoly. Financial Armageddon lays at the feet of humanity. Gold alone will not save you, but the means to allow the reconstruction of a society free of tyranny banksters', only if you dare to take their gender from all branches of power and government.
SARTRE - March 13, 2011 Read the full article
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