CANCUN, Mexico - This time the mountain will not go unnoticed. At COP16, the UN climate conference that opens today in Mexico, are scheduled two events dedicated to sustainable mountain development. Both will feature the EvK2Cnr, the famous Italian association for scientific research at high altitude, promoter of the project SHARE (Stations at High Altitude for Research on Environment) climate and environmental monitoring.
(Put this news reached me via email, without some changes because I entirely agree with its contents. Daniel Cohen)
After the disappointment of the last world summit on climate change, the world is moving to address the mountain the attention of Earth's major meeting in Cancun from Nov. 29 until Dec. 10, 2010 to discuss how to address climate change worldwide.
Two "side event" scheduled to Cop 16, of which EvK2Cnr will be among the protagonists. The first, promoted from ' ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), titled "Mountains in Peril: Mainstreaming the Sustainable mountain development agenda into climate change agreements" and will be held Dec. 2 in the hall of Cancun Águila Messe, from 16:45 to 18:15.
The goal is to put the spotlight on the threat to mountain ecosystems and the people who inhabit them, discussing actions to be taken to mitigate the consequences of climate change and achieve greater global efforts for sustainable development mountains as required by Chapter 13 of Agenda 21. It also aims to foster a debate on Multilateral Environmental agreements (MEAs) agreements to promote more 'mountain-friendly'.
The major organizations dealing with environment and mountains in the world, together with government agencies in the field, discuss experiences, studies and proposals for sustainable development of these territories, with particular attention to regions of 'Hindu Kush-Himalaya- Karakorum . EvK2Cnr intervene with the Nast (Nepal Academy of Science and Tchnology) on pollution that threatens the mountains, with studies of black carbon and ozone. Among others, will also speak ICIMOD, the Bhutanese government, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology el ' International Institute for Sustainable Development .
A second side event, organized by the Nepalese government, will be dedicated to Mountain Alliance Initiative, the "coalition" of countries for the protection of mountain glaciers and ranges from global warming, given by the Nepalese government a year ago after the apex of the Cop 15. The
Nepal, Himalayan country in the developing world, "hosts" 's Everest and has a 75 per cent of its territory spread over mountains and hills. His is among the most endangered ecosystems to climate change and the local government wants to bring its expertise to international attention through the Cop 16. The event will be held Saturday, December 4 from 18 to 20 in the Sandia Room.
To learn more, click i and qu here.
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