Every day I'm outraged. Fortunately, sometimes they do it well the other!
Case Milan Fnomceo: medical treatment all without distinction
The National Federation of Associations of Medical (Fnomceo) took the defense of medical staff 's San Paolo hospital in Milan, which faces a complaint of aiding illegal immigration cured and discharged after a immigrants rose last Nov. 5 on the tower formerly Carlo Erba in Milan, where he rose to ask for the amnesty and with others to protest the conditions of "exploitation" of foreigners. "You have to understand what exactly the question," said the president Amedeo Bianco Fnomceo . "Anyway, we have always said and we reiterate now that even the doctor , under Article 1 of the Code of Ethics , by persons without distinction of sex, age, ethnicity and origin . So, White added, "the basis of this article of the Code prevent any action to reduce the Doctor . As Orders of doctors, also said White, "we are not quite willing to become instruments, direct or indirect selection for access to treatment, and this while respecting the principles of the Constitution as well as the Code of Ethics."
Finally an answer as it should be! I remember that man, an Egyptian, was for twenty days on the cranes of the former Carlo Erba Imbonati street in the rain, wind, cold and sleet, often without food or hot liquids to drink, had agreed to be hospitalized just because they hit by an illness and a principle of freezing. At the hospital he got there in a state of semincoscienza thanks to some doctors with the help of the Emergency firefighters. Mahmoud, the alleged name of this young man certainly is not in accordance with the permit, was treated by a physician who then ell'ospedale has resigned. For this reason it has taken the foolish claim to indict the doctor for 'aiding and abetting illegal immigration' that today the Order of physicians strongly opposes.
And, apparently, also the minister of health Ferruccio Fazio argued, as reported by the website DoctorNews :
Fazio: It is not my responsibility. CGIL: health
not policemen "I always said, I believe that everyone should be treated. But the fact that the underground is gone then it's something that I do not compete. " It is the lapidary comment of the Minister of Health Ferruccio Fazio affair of the doctor of the San Paolo in Milan, which faces a complaint of aiding illegal immigration. Massimo Cozza FP-CGIL Doctors speak of "solidarity" to the medical staff of the San Paolo in Milan. "Our task," he said, "is to the doctors and the police." The question, explained Cozza, was clearly "on the basis of a circular from the Ministry of Interior in November 2009: The circular states that had not been repealed, and therefore it is confirmed, the prohibition on a physician to inform the alien irregular requesting medical services. " The only indication that the physician is obligated to make to the authorities, said Cozza, "is one of the report when it is in the presence of crimes for which you must go the office. But this obligation does not extend to the category of illegal immigrants, "concluded the union leader.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Invitation Wording Please Pay For Your Own Meal
CANCUN, Mexico - This time the mountain will not go unnoticed. At COP16, the UN climate conference that opens today in Mexico, are scheduled two events dedicated to sustainable mountain development. Both will feature the EvK2Cnr, the famous Italian association for scientific research at high altitude, promoter of the project SHARE (Stations at High Altitude for Research on Environment) climate and environmental monitoring.
(Put this news reached me via email, without some changes because I entirely agree with its contents. Daniel Cohen)
After the disappointment of the last world summit on climate change, the world is moving to address the mountain the attention of Earth's major meeting in Cancun from Nov. 29 until Dec. 10, 2010 to discuss how to address climate change worldwide.
Two "side event" scheduled to Cop 16, of which EvK2Cnr will be among the protagonists. The first, promoted from ' ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), titled "Mountains in Peril: Mainstreaming the Sustainable mountain development agenda into climate change agreements" and will be held Dec. 2 in the hall of Cancun Águila Messe, from 16:45 to 18:15.
The goal is to put the spotlight on the threat to mountain ecosystems and the people who inhabit them, discussing actions to be taken to mitigate the consequences of climate change and achieve greater global efforts for sustainable development mountains as required by Chapter 13 of Agenda 21. It also aims to foster a debate on Multilateral Environmental agreements (MEAs) agreements to promote more 'mountain-friendly'.
The major organizations dealing with environment and mountains in the world, together with government agencies in the field, discuss experiences, studies and proposals for sustainable development of these territories, with particular attention to regions of 'Hindu Kush-Himalaya- Karakorum . EvK2Cnr intervene with the Nast (Nepal Academy of Science and Tchnology) on pollution that threatens the mountains, with studies of black carbon and ozone. Among others, will also speak ICIMOD, the Bhutanese government, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology el ' International Institute for Sustainable Development .
A second side event, organized by the Nepalese government, will be dedicated to Mountain Alliance Initiative, the "coalition" of countries for the protection of mountain glaciers and ranges from global warming, given by the Nepalese government a year ago after the apex of the Cop 15. The
Nepal, Himalayan country in the developing world, "hosts" 's Everest and has a 75 per cent of its territory spread over mountains and hills. His is among the most endangered ecosystems to climate change and the local government wants to bring its expertise to international attention through the Cop 16. The event will be held Saturday, December 4 from 18 to 20 in the Sandia Room.
To learn more, click i and qu here.
CANCUN, Mexico - This time the mountain will not go unnoticed. At COP16, the UN climate conference that opens today in Mexico, are scheduled two events dedicated to sustainable mountain development. Both will feature the EvK2Cnr, the famous Italian association for scientific research at high altitude, promoter of the project SHARE (Stations at High Altitude for Research on Environment) climate and environmental monitoring.
(Put this news reached me via email, without some changes because I entirely agree with its contents. Daniel Cohen)
After the disappointment of the last world summit on climate change, the world is moving to address the mountain the attention of Earth's major meeting in Cancun from Nov. 29 until Dec. 10, 2010 to discuss how to address climate change worldwide.
Two "side event" scheduled to Cop 16, of which EvK2Cnr will be among the protagonists. The first, promoted from ' ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), titled "Mountains in Peril: Mainstreaming the Sustainable mountain development agenda into climate change agreements" and will be held Dec. 2 in the hall of Cancun Águila Messe, from 16:45 to 18:15.
The goal is to put the spotlight on the threat to mountain ecosystems and the people who inhabit them, discussing actions to be taken to mitigate the consequences of climate change and achieve greater global efforts for sustainable development mountains as required by Chapter 13 of Agenda 21. It also aims to foster a debate on Multilateral Environmental agreements (MEAs) agreements to promote more 'mountain-friendly'.
The major organizations dealing with environment and mountains in the world, together with government agencies in the field, discuss experiences, studies and proposals for sustainable development of these territories, with particular attention to regions of 'Hindu Kush-Himalaya- Karakorum . EvK2Cnr intervene with the Nast (Nepal Academy of Science and Tchnology) on pollution that threatens the mountains, with studies of black carbon and ozone. Among others, will also speak ICIMOD, the Bhutanese government, the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology el ' International Institute for Sustainable Development .
A second side event, organized by the Nepalese government, will be dedicated to Mountain Alliance Initiative, the "coalition" of countries for the protection of mountain glaciers and ranges from global warming, given by the Nepalese government a year ago after the apex of the Cop 15. The
Nepal, Himalayan country in the developing world, "hosts" 's Everest and has a 75 per cent of its territory spread over mountains and hills. His is among the most endangered ecosystems to climate change and the local government wants to bring its expertise to international attention through the Cop 16. The event will be held Saturday, December 4 from 18 to 20 in the Sandia Room.
To learn more, click i and qu here.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How To Install Msoffice In Tablet Pc
Ignorance of Minister Frattini ... There is only
In Rome, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini believes that the 'Association of Journalists "off the free voices" such as Victor Felts , against which it was made "a clear political choice." "The Order with its disciplinary power only serves to regimented who is a journalist by profession," Frattini pursues an interview with the Journal (coincidentally, the one directed by Felt and published by Paul Berlusca-ndb) "to get my hands on his career and freedom "and, moreover, recalls the owner Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "is a creation that exists only in Mussolini's Italy and Portugal, there well established by the dictatorship," Luigi Einaudi already described as "immoral, prone to the will of tyrants." The Order, in short, "is a corporation, which is inimical to the freedom, independence and transparency that should characterize the profession of journalist. " To regulate the profession would be enough instead "an album that says those who work and where" and "the director and the publisher assume, judge and dismissed". And for the protection of the category "no union, no use mica in a straitjacket" (ANSA).
NOTE - The minister, magistrate of the State Council, it ignores that the law establishing the Order bears no 69 February 3, 1963 and was promoted by two leading figures of Italian democracy, Guido Gonella and Aldo Moro. The fascist regime in 1926 abolished the orders and transferred the role and functions to regional syndicates by placing them in the corporate state. Orders are reborn in 1944 with the deputy legislative decree n. 384. The minister did not even know the opinion of the Second Section of the State Council which explains why one of the journalists is a profession placed within the context of Article 33, paragraph V of the Constitution (which provides for the state exam to enter the exercise of professions).
This news and related 'distinctions' are taken from the site journalist Franco Abruzzo. I'll add that Felt was punished with only a 3-month suspension from the work of journalists for disclosing false information, to cause the resignation of former director of the newspaper Boffo The Future, which gave a reproachful comments Cpnsiglio to the head of Silvio Berlusconi in reference to his frequent visits with children, as denounced publicly by his wife Veronica and as indeed seen photos 'stolen' using a telephoto lens when it withdrew a 'fun' with more girls in the garden. But never mind. Felt should have changed job, but it's too convenient that there is who does the dirty work desired by some men of power. They all understood, but in Italy there is an order with the ethical rules that prohibit using the information to misinform and fill with mud respectable people. Are not enough public apology that Felt has published months after his disgusting 'dossier', by which time the damage was done or the goal achieved. Intimidate anyone who wanted to make comments excellent except in respect of the premier.
In Rome, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini believes that the 'Association of Journalists "off the free voices" such as Victor Felts , against which it was made "a clear political choice." "The Order with its disciplinary power only serves to regimented who is a journalist by profession," Frattini pursues an interview with the Journal (coincidentally, the one directed by Felt and published by Paul Berlusca-ndb) "to get my hands on his career and freedom "and, moreover, recalls the owner Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "is a creation that exists only in Mussolini's Italy and Portugal, there well established by the dictatorship," Luigi Einaudi already described as "immoral, prone to the will of tyrants." The Order, in short, "is a corporation, which is inimical to the freedom, independence and transparency that should characterize the profession of journalist. " To regulate the profession would be enough instead "an album that says those who work and where" and "the director and the publisher assume, judge and dismissed". And for the protection of the category "no union, no use mica in a straitjacket" (ANSA).
NOTE - The minister, magistrate of the State Council, it ignores that the law establishing the Order bears no 69 February 3, 1963 and was promoted by two leading figures of Italian democracy, Guido Gonella and Aldo Moro. The fascist regime in 1926 abolished the orders and transferred the role and functions to regional syndicates by placing them in the corporate state. Orders are reborn in 1944 with the deputy legislative decree n. 384. The minister did not even know the opinion of the Second Section of the State Council which explains why one of the journalists is a profession placed within the context of Article 33, paragraph V of the Constitution (which provides for the state exam to enter the exercise of professions).
This news and related 'distinctions' are taken from the site journalist Franco Abruzzo. I'll add that Felt was punished with only a 3-month suspension from the work of journalists for disclosing false information, to cause the resignation of former director of the newspaper Boffo The Future, which gave a reproachful comments Cpnsiglio to the head of Silvio Berlusconi in reference to his frequent visits with children, as denounced publicly by his wife Veronica and as indeed seen photos 'stolen' using a telephoto lens when it withdrew a 'fun' with more girls in the garden. But never mind. Felt should have changed job, but it's too convenient that there is who does the dirty work desired by some men of power. They all understood, but in Italy there is an order with the ethical rules that prohibit using the information to misinform and fill with mud respectable people. Are not enough public apology that Felt has published months after his disgusting 'dossier', by which time the damage was done or the goal achieved. Intimidate anyone who wanted to make comments excellent except in respect of the premier.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pressure Points To Make Fall Asleep
Saviano ... Giulio Cavalli
I use the plural because I want to mention a good service appeared today. I do it because last February I had also written on this actor escorted Teatro.Org and a show that had turned into a waltz of friends who offered participation in the show because the show Giulio Cavalli to Theatre Oscar was suspended after the discovery of 23 bullets in plain view in front of the theater itself, the evening before the first. Here is the text , I published February 9, 2010:
"Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 20.30 we propose a new way of doing the show calendar: together at all, really! After the unfortunate interruption of the replicas of a to show cause of mafiosi 23 bullets left out of the Oscar Theatre few days ago, leading to intervention by the Digos and closing of the theater, there came the announcement of recovery: "An evening to share, all together, stronger and more determined than ever with reruns of the show Apocalypse postponed or disaster welcome. An opportunity to reiterate the need to unite against any intimidation that could undermine the freedom of expression. In response to threats that have forced to cancel Saturday 6 and Sunday, February 7, 2010 replicas de Apocalypse postponed or welcome disaster with actor Lombard Giulio Cavalli , we announce that The Oscar Theatre , Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 20.30 will OPEN FOR MAFIA . A special evening open to the public, to express full solidarity and closeness to the actor Giulio Cavalli, previously the victim of threats and escorted by more than a year to its shows - Inquiry on the Mafia in Milan, but also to reaffirm a basic principle: the theater do not touch! To join the evening OPEN FOR MAFIA were for now Paolo Rossi, Dario For, Eugenio Finardi, Marco Balbi, Maddalena Crippa, Flavio Oreglio, Walter Leonardi, Renato Sarti, Gian Carlo Dettori, Massimo De Vita, Andrée Ruth Shammah and other members of the Milanese opera. This will be the Councillor for Culture of the City of Milan, Finazzer Massimiliano Floris . All united around Giulio Cavalli which will stage its shiny and staring the play The apocalypse postponed or welcome disaster. We invite all the actors to intervene in Milan: send adherence to complete the lineup for the evening of Tuesday, February 9, 2010. We look forward to a sketch, a witness, a civil action in defense of the theater of freedom of expression beyond any intimidation. "
In fact, that night was impossible for horses act and not by intimidation: c 'was too many people and each of the many actors, directors, musicians and others who rushed en masse, were given 3 to 5 minutes or less to be on stage, many had talk about giving up, staying pressed behind the scenes and the theater was packed audience also stood up to late! Fabulous. And now what happens, except that a daily newspaper published by the brother of the Prime Minister of our country because it collects signatures against Saviano denounced the existence of organized crime infiltration in the north on TV talking in front of 9 million viewers? Boh. So, remember that the original article published today in the link mentioned above and I gladly take back some really beautiful songs:
"A car in the wrong turn into the lane and nailed in front of the theater. The first man to fall is tall, strong build and bulge under his jacket. Opens the right rear door. What comes out of his beard a couple of days on the young face, hair long enough, and light eyes look sad. A little man and his shadow army, which with flicks and the accompanying silent inside. The room is full. The empty stage, except the piano, a desk and the words projected on the screen: "What the 'Ndrangheta was saying the same colonizing Milan in the Eighties, I confirmed two years ago and the fact that I am right. Now there' s Expo and I do not know how to say it. " Signed: Vincenzo Macri, Deputy Prosecutor of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. (...) Evening in November, Gorgonzola, near Milan. Outside, two policemen were in uniform next to staff car. Inside, Giulio Cavalli said the rise, and the power of the mafias in Lombardy to 400 people seated. More than two feet, the sides of the stage, facing the audience, as at the end he points out: "Thanks to the bodyguards who make my life shit. They can be distinguished because they are the only ones who watch the show from the wrong. ... They are policemen. " Laughter loving. And words of Giulio Cavalli, 33 years, author, actor, theater director, but also regional advisor (Italy of Values). "A harlequin scassaminchia," as he sums up. Under cover since 2008. "In this country that is not normal, the gangs are also threatening the actors," muses the next day sitting in the of "his" theater.
"A Tavazzano, province of Lodi, where he arrived to live with the couple who adopted the Venetian when he was two years." Unfortunate mother was born in Milan, "trying to be ironic." I also happened to want to try, two and a half years ago was born just my second child and I knew that she lived in Verbania, but at that I was not there anymore. To me that was a strange time, I began to be under pressure. "Yeah. Threats: written, shouted, whispered, in the form of words, bullets and offenses (at home, in theater). So much to gain entrance into the system protection: protection from "dynamic" to the Commons' second level. "From the police the police. Translated: "Two armed men with me forever ...". Also, literally. (...) Rather than reciting a text Giulio wrote and took him to Paolo Rossi. "It was perfect for him, asked me to read on stage, and finally said," so that's great, you have your own show, if anything, I directed you "." Kabum!: How to laugh and reflect on the resistance. First crucial step in this story. For the second we have to wait a few years, a bit 'of critics ("told" Cavalli is outside the box', and I thought that everything should be allowed in the theater), and "the court papers relating to the massacre of Linate, that become the book and show. Laughter in the investigation.
"A 27 years, on stage at the Piccolo in Milan, Julius discovered the theater in journalistic function. And then toured Italy, Sicily. Here it is, the third step: "I know a Palermo magistrate, Antonio Ingroia, and the mayor of Gela, Rosario Crocetta. But above all study the lesson of Peppino Impastato: all celebrate it but no one follows suit. In the sense of Radio Aut; and so I did Mafiopoli Radio. " Born another show, quid pro quo, and end steps of this story is no return. To him, in Lodi, the warnings come mafia, so the 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra in Lombardy. Start the investigation, but also attempts to discredit ("Horses just want to get publicity") and the system of protection required by prefecture becomes inevitable. It starts to scan, mark, change the life of a theatrical decides to engage in politics. "I've campaigned for Crocetta at Gela. The idea was to run for Luigi De Magistriis, but there were also requests from the right and the Democratic Party. Leaguers And I respect (...)".
For the record, this piece complete, it will appear tomorrow on D Republic of and is signed by the good MARCO MATHIEU
I use the plural because I want to mention a good service appeared today. I do it because last February I had also written on this actor escorted Teatro.Org and a show that had turned into a waltz of friends who offered participation in the show because the show Giulio Cavalli to Theatre Oscar was suspended after the discovery of 23 bullets in plain view in front of the theater itself, the evening before the first. Here is the text , I published February 9, 2010:
"Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 20.30 we propose a new way of doing the show calendar: together at all, really! After the unfortunate interruption of the replicas of a to show cause of mafiosi 23 bullets left out of the Oscar Theatre few days ago, leading to intervention by the Digos and closing of the theater, there came the announcement of recovery: "An evening to share, all together, stronger and more determined than ever with reruns of the show Apocalypse postponed or disaster welcome. An opportunity to reiterate the need to unite against any intimidation that could undermine the freedom of expression. In response to threats that have forced to cancel Saturday 6 and Sunday, February 7, 2010 replicas de Apocalypse postponed or welcome disaster with actor Lombard Giulio Cavalli , we announce that The Oscar Theatre , Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 20.30 will OPEN FOR MAFIA . A special evening open to the public, to express full solidarity and closeness to the actor Giulio Cavalli, previously the victim of threats and escorted by more than a year to its shows - Inquiry on the Mafia in Milan, but also to reaffirm a basic principle: the theater do not touch! To join the evening OPEN FOR MAFIA were for now Paolo Rossi, Dario For, Eugenio Finardi, Marco Balbi, Maddalena Crippa, Flavio Oreglio, Walter Leonardi, Renato Sarti, Gian Carlo Dettori, Massimo De Vita, Andrée Ruth Shammah and other members of the Milanese opera. This will be the Councillor for Culture of the City of Milan, Finazzer Massimiliano Floris . All united around Giulio Cavalli which will stage its shiny and staring the play The apocalypse postponed or welcome disaster. We invite all the actors to intervene in Milan: send adherence to complete the lineup for the evening of Tuesday, February 9, 2010. We look forward to a sketch, a witness, a civil action in defense of the theater of freedom of expression beyond any intimidation. "
In fact, that night was impossible for horses act and not by intimidation: c 'was too many people and each of the many actors, directors, musicians and others who rushed en masse, were given 3 to 5 minutes or less to be on stage, many had talk about giving up, staying pressed behind the scenes and the theater was packed audience also stood up to late! Fabulous. And now what happens, except that a daily newspaper published by the brother of the Prime Minister of our country because it collects signatures against Saviano denounced the existence of organized crime infiltration in the north on TV talking in front of 9 million viewers? Boh. So, remember that the original article published today in the link mentioned above and I gladly take back some really beautiful songs:
"A car in the wrong turn into the lane and nailed in front of the theater. The first man to fall is tall, strong build and bulge under his jacket. Opens the right rear door. What comes out of his beard a couple of days on the young face, hair long enough, and light eyes look sad. A little man and his shadow army, which with flicks and the accompanying silent inside. The room is full. The empty stage, except the piano, a desk and the words projected on the screen: "What the 'Ndrangheta was saying the same colonizing Milan in the Eighties, I confirmed two years ago and the fact that I am right. Now there' s Expo and I do not know how to say it. " Signed: Vincenzo Macri, Deputy Prosecutor of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate. (...) Evening in November, Gorgonzola, near Milan. Outside, two policemen were in uniform next to staff car. Inside, Giulio Cavalli said the rise, and the power of the mafias in Lombardy to 400 people seated. More than two feet, the sides of the stage, facing the audience, as at the end he points out: "Thanks to the bodyguards who make my life shit. They can be distinguished because they are the only ones who watch the show from the wrong. ... They are policemen. " Laughter loving. And words of Giulio Cavalli, 33 years, author, actor, theater director, but also regional advisor (Italy of Values). "A harlequin scassaminchia," as he sums up. Under cover since 2008. "In this country that is not normal, the gangs are also threatening the actors," muses the next day sitting in the of "his" theater.
"A Tavazzano, province of Lodi, where he arrived to live with the couple who adopted the Venetian when he was two years." Unfortunate mother was born in Milan, "trying to be ironic." I also happened to want to try, two and a half years ago was born just my second child and I knew that she lived in Verbania, but at that I was not there anymore. To me that was a strange time, I began to be under pressure. "Yeah. Threats: written, shouted, whispered, in the form of words, bullets and offenses (at home, in theater). So much to gain entrance into the system protection: protection from "dynamic" to the Commons' second level. "From the police the police. Translated: "Two armed men with me forever ...". Also, literally. (...) Rather than reciting a text Giulio wrote and took him to Paolo Rossi. "It was perfect for him, asked me to read on stage, and finally said," so that's great, you have your own show, if anything, I directed you "." Kabum!: How to laugh and reflect on the resistance. First crucial step in this story. For the second we have to wait a few years, a bit 'of critics ("told" Cavalli is outside the box', and I thought that everything should be allowed in the theater), and "the court papers relating to the massacre of Linate, that become the book and show. Laughter in the investigation.
"A 27 years, on stage at the Piccolo in Milan, Julius discovered the theater in journalistic function. And then toured Italy, Sicily. Here it is, the third step: "I know a Palermo magistrate, Antonio Ingroia, and the mayor of Gela, Rosario Crocetta. But above all study the lesson of Peppino Impastato: all celebrate it but no one follows suit. In the sense of Radio Aut; and so I did Mafiopoli Radio. " Born another show, quid pro quo, and end steps of this story is no return. To him, in Lodi, the warnings come mafia, so the 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra in Lombardy. Start the investigation, but also attempts to discredit ("Horses just want to get publicity") and the system of protection required by prefecture becomes inevitable. It starts to scan, mark, change the life of a theatrical decides to engage in politics. "I've campaigned for Crocetta at Gela. The idea was to run for Luigi De Magistriis, but there were also requests from the right and the Democratic Party. Leaguers And I respect (...)".
For the record, this piece complete, it will appear tomorrow on D Republic of and is signed by the good MARCO MATHIEU
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sample Letter For Franchise M
But talk about it that makes the RAI? Wants its sinking ... Journalists and newspapers
I read and, stunned, thinking the complaint today on his Franco Abruzzo newsletter. I do it because, as a journalist now unemployed for some time, the disgust towards a showing all its patches of clear preference for the corrupt than those who work seriously, should provoke outrage in all. Here:
" Rai close Calciopoli: Scardina is back.
of www.iustitia.it
optimistic as anticipated, should end in June 2011 the process of Calciopoli, which is taking place at court Naples before the Ninth Criminal Chamber (President Teresa Casoria, assessors Gualtieri and Maria Pia Francesca Pandolfi), a process that began on January 20, 2009. Twenty-four defendants, beginning with the former railroad Luciano Moggi, as indicated by pm Giuseppe Narducci, Stefano Capuano (who Filippo Beatrice replaced by June 2009 in Rome at the National Anti-Mafia Directorate) as the promoter of a criminal association aimed at sporting fraud. The same crime, conspiracy, must meet, among others, former referee designator Paolo Bergamo and Pierluigi Pairetto, the former referee Paolo Bertini, Antonio Dattilo, Massimo De Santis, Salvatore Racalbuto, vice president of the Federation football game Innocenzo Mazzini The editor in chief of Rai sport Iganzio Scardina. Serious offense for which the Criminal Code stipulates a penalty of three to seven years in prison for the organizers and from one to five years for the participants.
any Principal Rai, however, is tired of waiting times of Justice and decided to return to work Ignazio Scardina: an order of service with effect from October 11 gives him again the delicate task of managing editor for sport, acting as coordinator.
A genuine coup for the newly reinstated for which, in May 2006 when the bubble burst of Calciopoli, the ethics committee of Rai had proposed the dismissal. Someone had also sponsored and passed a single line: Scardina leave home and pay him his salary, which went on for four years. Ugo Montella, Assistant Attorney General of the Court of Auditors of Lazio, was concerned for those involved in Calciopoli initiating an investigation, based on the work of the Prosecutor of Naples and the sports justice, and had assumed a total compensation of 120 million, of which two million paid by journalists and Ciro Scardina Venerable Ignatius Rai, but the request of the charges were then filed by the judges of the Court of Auditors. On 14 December 2009, but got the sentence for the eleven defendants (including Antonio Giraudo, Moggi and Roberto Bettega triumvirate with Juventus for twelve years) who requested expedited. He signed the investigating judge Eduardo De Gregorio and it was a tough decision, with sentences ranging from three years inflicted on Giraudo of two years and four months the former referee Tiziano Pieri, sentenced to two years for former referee Paolo Dondarini and Tullio Lanese. De Gregorio in court admitted as civil plaintiffs, among other things, the sending of Rai Rai Francesca Sanipoli sport, and each party has recognized civil payment of five thousand euro for legal fees.
The return service Scardina brings out an inexplicable contradiction in the Rai: on the one hand, the personnel department, for inscrutable reasons, decide the reinstatement of the journalist on trial for conspiracy, on the other's lawyers 'company have been deployed in the classrooms Neapolitan because a civil defense in the image and interests affected by the activity of the RAI Calciopoli clique, with damages discussed at length in fifty-seven memory pages submitted September 27, 2006 Advocate Stephen Bortone. In the text first examines the legal positions of the three journalists linked to the Rai (Scardina the editor in chief, the venerable editor and the general Giorgio Tosatti, who died in February 2007), analyzes the intercepts in which they are mentioned and also reports the findings made by the Directorate internal auditing and the proposals made by the Ethics Commission, which proposes to place more relevant "to the Director-General to open disciplinary proceedings against Ignatius Scardina, with the message that violations could result highlighted the adoption of resolute measures." It closes the chapter with a memory dedicated to "damage caused to the RAI."
addition to the paradox of a company which on the one hand it highlights the damage caused as a result of Calciopoli and the other, on the initiative of someone close both eyes, there is a second paradox equally serious: the Journalist on trial was reinstated to the sport in working Sanipoli, for years a victim of discrimination by Scardina committed to "avoid the services of Juventus - as he wrote in his memory Bortone lawyer - were awarded to journalists' uncomfortable ', which Sanipoli.
For many years, actually since 2000 when driving Rai sports soccer comes Scardina, Francesca Sanipoli is considered 'uncomfortable' and 'discomfort' results in a progressive marginalization, which in May 2005 forced her to sue the company for professional de-skilling, entrusting the defense of their rights lawyer FNSI Bruno Del Vecchio. The following year, with the explosion of Calciopoli, the complaint is well certified by the interception, the decision of Judge Eduardo De Gregorio (even with the admission in court as plaintiff), from the pages of memory, and the testimony of Rai Rai other reporters, such as Enrico Varriale, another victim of the 'Moggi system'.
The interception is already known and reported in the memory of the judge's ruling and Rai De Gregorio (as well as in newspapers) are joined by other unusual hours. Here is one: in February 2005 Scardina Moggi talks to and tells him that "Madrid will not send or Varriale, nor Sanipoli and that the two must die." He added, "against Sanipoli sent a nasty letter to the director and chief of staff and now has sent to follow" Messina-Chievo is so fresh and learn how to ask questions bitches. " It should also be recalled that in May 2006 when the Republic published the first interception of the then Secretary Roberto dell'Usigrai Christmas intervened with a note Recovery from all the agencies to ask the Rai to break "with the decision unacceptable behaviors such as those that emerge from eavesdropping" and to compensate "those who professionally, such as Sanipoli and other colleagues, he paid for his estrangement from the logic of a group of power ".
After the return of the Sanipoli Scardina wrote immediately to the head of Rai sport Eugenio De Paoli and, for information, the Secretary dell'Usigrai Carlo Verna and the President of Fnsi Roberto Natale to communicate beyond their indignation at the decision of 'company, the immediate negative effect on your health with a recurrence of symptoms related to major diseases and emerging certified by public and medical examiners "unequivocally" arising from the situation that has arisen over the years in his working environment. Waiting for De Paoli knock once, and after two admissions to the emergency room, October 26, the journalist, along with Del Vecchio's lawyer, sent to the Director-General and the Director of Human Resources (for information and all'Usigrai) a formal notice asking immediate action. The secretary also called Sanipoli dell'Usigrai Carlo Verna, made sport of the editorial staff of Naples, to ask him to intervene, but the Verna said she could not do anything. The Sanipoli insisted, saying that would send him a note, and gotten a frosty reply: "Is useless, I have no time to process the mail" with a rejoinder to temperature even lower: "If you do not have time to process the mail, I do not have money to waste with quest'Usigrai.
(text http://www.iustitia.it/29_ottobre_10/documenti/apertura.htm ).
What can I say more? Luckily there are people like Fabio Fazio that drags on TV the other people like Roberto Saviano, Roberto Benigni, Giorgio Abbado, Angela Finocchiaro, Nichi Vendola and a delicate Daniele Silvestri recalls Giorgio Gaber. And then come back to me a smile and hope ...
I read and, stunned, thinking the complaint today on his Franco Abruzzo newsletter. I do it because, as a journalist now unemployed for some time, the disgust towards a showing all its patches of clear preference for the corrupt than those who work seriously, should provoke outrage in all. Here:
" Rai close Calciopoli: Scardina is back.
of www.iustitia.it
optimistic as anticipated, should end in June 2011 the process of Calciopoli, which is taking place at court Naples before the Ninth Criminal Chamber (President Teresa Casoria, assessors Gualtieri and Maria Pia Francesca Pandolfi), a process that began on January 20, 2009. Twenty-four defendants, beginning with the former railroad Luciano Moggi, as indicated by pm Giuseppe Narducci, Stefano Capuano (who Filippo Beatrice replaced by June 2009 in Rome at the National Anti-Mafia Directorate) as the promoter of a criminal association aimed at sporting fraud. The same crime, conspiracy, must meet, among others, former referee designator Paolo Bergamo and Pierluigi Pairetto, the former referee Paolo Bertini, Antonio Dattilo, Massimo De Santis, Salvatore Racalbuto, vice president of the Federation football game Innocenzo Mazzini The editor in chief of Rai sport Iganzio Scardina. Serious offense for which the Criminal Code stipulates a penalty of three to seven years in prison for the organizers and from one to five years for the participants.
any Principal Rai, however, is tired of waiting times of Justice and decided to return to work Ignazio Scardina: an order of service with effect from October 11 gives him again the delicate task of managing editor for sport, acting as coordinator.
A genuine coup for the newly reinstated for which, in May 2006 when the bubble burst of Calciopoli, the ethics committee of Rai had proposed the dismissal. Someone had also sponsored and passed a single line: Scardina leave home and pay him his salary, which went on for four years. Ugo Montella, Assistant Attorney General of the Court of Auditors of Lazio, was concerned for those involved in Calciopoli initiating an investigation, based on the work of the Prosecutor of Naples and the sports justice, and had assumed a total compensation of 120 million, of which two million paid by journalists and Ciro Scardina Venerable Ignatius Rai, but the request of the charges were then filed by the judges of the Court of Auditors. On 14 December 2009, but got the sentence for the eleven defendants (including Antonio Giraudo, Moggi and Roberto Bettega triumvirate with Juventus for twelve years) who requested expedited. He signed the investigating judge Eduardo De Gregorio and it was a tough decision, with sentences ranging from three years inflicted on Giraudo of two years and four months the former referee Tiziano Pieri, sentenced to two years for former referee Paolo Dondarini and Tullio Lanese. De Gregorio in court admitted as civil plaintiffs, among other things, the sending of Rai Rai Francesca Sanipoli sport, and each party has recognized civil payment of five thousand euro for legal fees.
The return service Scardina brings out an inexplicable contradiction in the Rai: on the one hand, the personnel department, for inscrutable reasons, decide the reinstatement of the journalist on trial for conspiracy, on the other's lawyers 'company have been deployed in the classrooms Neapolitan because a civil defense in the image and interests affected by the activity of the RAI Calciopoli clique, with damages discussed at length in fifty-seven memory pages submitted September 27, 2006 Advocate Stephen Bortone. In the text first examines the legal positions of the three journalists linked to the Rai (Scardina the editor in chief, the venerable editor and the general Giorgio Tosatti, who died in February 2007), analyzes the intercepts in which they are mentioned and also reports the findings made by the Directorate internal auditing and the proposals made by the Ethics Commission, which proposes to place more relevant "to the Director-General to open disciplinary proceedings against Ignatius Scardina, with the message that violations could result highlighted the adoption of resolute measures." It closes the chapter with a memory dedicated to "damage caused to the RAI."
addition to the paradox of a company which on the one hand it highlights the damage caused as a result of Calciopoli and the other, on the initiative of someone close both eyes, there is a second paradox equally serious: the Journalist on trial was reinstated to the sport in working Sanipoli, for years a victim of discrimination by Scardina committed to "avoid the services of Juventus - as he wrote in his memory Bortone lawyer - were awarded to journalists' uncomfortable ', which Sanipoli.
For many years, actually since 2000 when driving Rai sports soccer comes Scardina, Francesca Sanipoli is considered 'uncomfortable' and 'discomfort' results in a progressive marginalization, which in May 2005 forced her to sue the company for professional de-skilling, entrusting the defense of their rights lawyer FNSI Bruno Del Vecchio. The following year, with the explosion of Calciopoli, the complaint is well certified by the interception, the decision of Judge Eduardo De Gregorio (even with the admission in court as plaintiff), from the pages of memory, and the testimony of Rai Rai other reporters, such as Enrico Varriale, another victim of the 'Moggi system'.
The interception is already known and reported in the memory of the judge's ruling and Rai De Gregorio (as well as in newspapers) are joined by other unusual hours. Here is one: in February 2005 Scardina Moggi talks to and tells him that "Madrid will not send or Varriale, nor Sanipoli and that the two must die." He added, "against Sanipoli sent a nasty letter to the director and chief of staff and now has sent to follow" Messina-Chievo is so fresh and learn how to ask questions bitches. " It should also be recalled that in May 2006 when the Republic published the first interception of the then Secretary Roberto dell'Usigrai Christmas intervened with a note Recovery from all the agencies to ask the Rai to break "with the decision unacceptable behaviors such as those that emerge from eavesdropping" and to compensate "those who professionally, such as Sanipoli and other colleagues, he paid for his estrangement from the logic of a group of power ".
After the return of the Sanipoli Scardina wrote immediately to the head of Rai sport Eugenio De Paoli and, for information, the Secretary dell'Usigrai Carlo Verna and the President of Fnsi Roberto Natale to communicate beyond their indignation at the decision of 'company, the immediate negative effect on your health with a recurrence of symptoms related to major diseases and emerging certified by public and medical examiners "unequivocally" arising from the situation that has arisen over the years in his working environment. Waiting for De Paoli knock once, and after two admissions to the emergency room, October 26, the journalist, along with Del Vecchio's lawyer, sent to the Director-General and the Director of Human Resources (for information and all'Usigrai) a formal notice asking immediate action. The secretary also called Sanipoli dell'Usigrai Carlo Verna, made sport of the editorial staff of Naples, to ask him to intervene, but the Verna said she could not do anything. The Sanipoli insisted, saying that would send him a note, and gotten a frosty reply: "Is useless, I have no time to process the mail" with a rejoinder to temperature even lower: "If you do not have time to process the mail, I do not have money to waste with quest'Usigrai.
(text http://www.iustitia.it/29_ottobre_10/documenti/apertura.htm ).
What can I say more? Luckily there are people like Fabio Fazio that drags on TV the other people like Roberto Saviano, Roberto Benigni, Giorgio Abbado, Angela Finocchiaro, Nichi Vendola and a delicate Daniele Silvestri recalls Giorgio Gaber. And then come back to me a smile and hope ...
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