Note from North to Athos Geminiani
I am writing this brief note from a province in the far north of where the events of the campaign administrative Falconara seem sufficiently distant and less quotas can be experienced with more reflection. Even through
the reading of the articles that the three newspapers have stories in the city are gradually filling in every day and where the struggle is described, perhaps due to lack of space, briefly, but with a participation to some extent concerned now for a list, now the other, but consistent, however, in attributing all the blame of all evil Falconara to one person: the outgoing Mayor. As if all these years come, advisers and parties and the press had been absent, had been on vacation.
Of all the question what is most disconcerting is the summary that when she does not even have other issues, the events are local compared to national ones, or the great coalition that won at last general election. I do not think you can, absolutely, a parallel of this type. In every town or village behind the symbols we are people and it is with these that we must confront. Certainly, they, the people, expressing the ideology that is above them, that is the symbol, yet history has taught us that symbols and people do not always coincide.
Falconara So we appeal to the processor, the expulsions, the complaints of employment for municipal offices, which are the most abused arsenal in this campaign and ended up invelenire each report. Easy in this climate to show that the symbols do not come, if ever people should ask themselves about their past, on his political career, choices ... How many people I met, flag of great strength but in the short space of a morning coat have changed. And how many of them signed radiation or expulsion, then having to acknowledge it was wrong. No, this must be the basis of political struggle, and even boast that they were altar boys and that he was part of those armies of useless boy scout "Falconara 1" and "Alpha 3", so that the Messenger has proudly noted for three candidate for mayor (how far the cultural, political and human divide this by the ruling class that character Falconara forgotten that it was the socialist Romeo Sterlacchini!).
is our society that needs the other: so that solidarity as a right is banned, selfishness has crept into the most reactionary, the culture has come to bow to videocracy, the great sport gives us the most negative examples, the Parking has become the only major problem ... so what?
So I really do not know if I'll never see a country with no more fires at night, a country where the air does not know oil and water of the sea has not oily stains on the surface, where the environment is a friend of the citizen and vice versa, where you can walk without those horrible bulky pieces of iron each street corner, where you can drink coffee even at midnight, where droppings of dogs do not encumber any and all sidewalk, and instead where there is music, art, poetry, and above all there is genuine involvement and where to live truly is a bit ' happiness.
Athos Geminiani
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