FALCONARA appeal to voters: the future in real time we work with credible and development
FALCONARA: future in real time credible and development work with us
Falconara Marittima is at the heart of the national interest for the courage to design a re- territorial and urban radical, is likely to be overshadowed by impoverished and misleading messages, collected by some for purely electoral purposes. In
give credit to the City Council that it was committed to give the city and the community the opportunity to redeem himself from degradation and development influenced only by the presence of refinery runs an obligation on the part of this coalition, which shares the overall project, to make clear the substance.
The real question to be answered now is political: you want this land and this city takes on a new role in practice, changing its attitude, taking back strongly in the relationship with the sea, making the trade fair and leisure time, developing value for the whole community, which means growth in social, economic, civil and cultural opportunities and hence jobs, especially for the younger generation?
If this is what you will, all other legitimate questions will be on the way, as they are finalized projects, the right answers and solutions.
Where is the strength of this development project? In its credibility and because much of it is the result of consultation with top institutions with those who say the pace of political self-isolation of the previous municipal administration.
Bohigas Let's talk about the project and the Port. It is a large redevelopment project, able to create a new urban centers through which the city regains a direct contact with the sea from which remained cut off for many years by massive infrastructure stations and the consolidation of the refinery, which now presents itself as the only dominant component of the sea.
should go beyond the courageous efforts and investments made by the City and by private operators to redevelop the south shore and those designed for the part north of the river Esino to change the face of Falconara and make a real seaside town.
The strength of this urban project is its similarity with that of the railway on the railway junction in Falconara Marittima, approved by the CIPE project, supported by state funding of about EUR 230 million, taken in the General Agreement Government-approved and acknowledged by the Marche Region, under the town planning and environmental impact. Not only
. The Harbour, the heart of the new urban center, is made believable by the fact that recreational boating is among the sectors of the national and international long supported the best trends are positive, the fact that in the near Porto Doric are registered sites for boating boating among the world's most prestigious and market research commissioned by the City, ensures the existence of an adequate market share.
So the project Bohigas means new urban quality, contact with the sea, widespread revival of trade throughout the city, creating new parks and green spaces, promoting decided in a particular sector of tourism. Translated further means more resources for the entire city and the country, new job opportunities both in the companies of new jobs especially for young people.
no impairment to the coast or to nearby towns or of Falconara, because the project will be accompanied by the required environmental impact studies that will ensure the absence of any negative influence on the preservation of the structure of coastline.
No appeal against dealers who should dell'Arenile retrain, they will be supported by the operation of urban transformation and will significantly benefit from a beach wider contact with a waterfront and not, as now, with a bundle of tracks.
We come now to the Trade Fair Exhibition. This is a choice already made in the past by the City Council the adoption of the Plan, of which the feasibility, as soon as credible, it is now manifested in the Quadrilateral project that has substantial resources for the implementation and completion of the most important avenues of penetration into the Tyrrhenian Sea Umbria and assigned by the CIPE (2,000 million euro). This project, which has passed the basic procedures for environmental impact assessment, is the result of consultation between the Ministry of Infrastructures, Marche and Umbria regions and the municipalities concerned. It provides, for the trade center only Falconara-Directional Clairvaux than 122 million euro: exhibition halls, parking lots, parks, hotel, business center and the output highway between the international airport, to promote new activities throughout the which certainly will benefit in particular the commercial activities of Castelferretti.
An extraordinary development opportunity, and then work and new jobs.
The third qualifying place for this development is from the north where the il'asta Esino river, the former Montedison plant and its water, are the backbone of the Pole of Leisure, with a high environmental value but also with a structure capable of giving rise to initiatives such as the major theme park in the Mobility one perceives the value of culture and tourism, well beyond the municipal boundaries, which will also attractor of private resources and stimulate the emergence of new professions that will give rise to new and interesting forms of employment.
We can close this mosaic with the result of consultations between the municipalities concerned, first of Falconara, Autostrade and the Marche Region, the projected third lane of the highway, including the construction of the new Highway Gabella locations and restructuring of the Ancona Nord. Just around the new motorway will be closed the Gabella copianificazione activities between the municipalities of that area will result in production facilities, commercial and management able to influence not only on the development of Falconara, but throughout the Territory.
These are the main pieces of the mosaic that makes up the Development Project which is inspired by our Coalition, a project whose environmental sustainability is verified by the experimental process of Strategic Environmental Assessment wanted by the City and monitored by the Environment Minister.
Other institutional and political isolation that! If anything consistent with that of regional and national programming.
The risk of isolation who runs it, even contradicting, not strong enough to support real change and regional development across the board.
Our task and goal is to work as the Development Project is implemented and the future growth of our community no longer dependent on only one below par and the tertiary industrial strength API Refinery.
latter scenario in general, will certainly have a major part in the re-productive land and the Marches, should become an energy hub for advanced environmental, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding between the Marche Region, Province and Municipality of Falconara.
And then, against a development project, albeit ambitious, but undeniably a force load that arises, primarily, from other institutions that public resources were allocated to the parties thereto and the scope for innovation and economic ideas, what about all the proliferation of words, thoughts, thoughts, fears about the port and exhibition of the By-pas rail, often unfounded, or to say the least distorted and misleading and incredibly premature? Everything contributes to mislead and delay the development for our city.